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A fan in the Cube!

Somebody installed a fan in the Cube. posted a link yesterday showing pictures of a disassembled Cube. This Cube surgery was made in order to implant a fan. According to Xlr8yourmac, the reader who made this needed a fan because he changed the internal hard drive of the cube and the new one seemed to be subject to overheating.

A firewire expansion chassis for the Cube?

Some of our readers asked about a PCI/Firewire expansion chassis (just like the current PCI chassis connecting to a standard PCI bus). We asked Magma about such a product. Here is what Radko from Magma says:

"Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a way to combine the PCI technology with FireWire. Currently we do not have any plans for developing such a product".

Apparently, the only expansion options for the Cube are Firewire and USB.

Questions and Answers

Question: How can I connect my Palm to my Cube?

Answer: You have to buy the Palm USB connection kit, since the Cube has no serial port to connect the palm cradle.

Today on the forum

  • The cube does not shut down?
  • Cube automatic restart problem
  • Cube scratches
  • Eject and Sound volume keys don't work with VM off?


  • Restart after shutdown bug: the problem persists.Macfixit


A prelude to Apple Expo, Part II: Giant Apple ads everywhere in Paris

Apple ads are beginning to be put everywhere in Paris, before the Apple Expo 2000 (13th to 17th of September). There are some giant ads that can be seen on the "Boulevard Peripherique" (a kind of freeway around Paris). Those ads are showing the new iMac colors. You can see one of those ads here (as you can see the weather is cloudy in Paris)...


A prelude to Apple Expo, Part I: One of the first European Cube owner tests the new Apple gem.

One of our Dutch readers sent us a review of one of the first Cubes available in Europe. We tought this would be a very interesting prelude to the Apple Expo Paris. You can read this review ont the "Reviews" page. Maurice van Steel, who wrote the review, bought a 450 Mhz Cube, with 320 Megs of RAM. His Cube is networked to an iBook with an airport card.




There is a new poll on the Cube-Zone (the polls are now available on the left of this page and on the "Polls" page too). This new poll is about this site....Tell us what you think!

Here are the results of the poll of last week which was: "Which peripheral will you buy first for your cube?":

  • 37% will buy a CD recorder
  • 25% will buy a printer
  • 18% will buy none
  • 12% will buy a web cam
  • 6% will buy a scanner

Today on the Forum

  • Funny experience at Fry's.
  • Apple logo defect on Cube.
  • Cube scratches.


Radeon BTO on the Apple Store coming soon?

Here is what you find when you want to build a custom configuration on the Apple Store of some European countries.

"Graphics Support A graphics card lets you connect a display to your computer. One graphics card is included with your Power Mac G4 Cube system. The ATI RAGE 128 Pro graphics card is a high-performance graphics accelerator that easily supports the highest resolutions available on all Apple displays. Its superior performance makes it ideal for use with high-end design and publishing applications. For ultimate graphics performance, choose the ATI RADEON graphics card. The RADEON card is a quantum step forward in 3D acceleration to support intense and immersive 3D games and the most complex 3D modelling and rendering. With advanced features such as hardware support for transformation, clipping, and lighting, the RADEON card can display lifelike characters, detailed objects, and lush environments at extremely high resolutions. The ATI RADEON graphics card also comes with 32MB of DDR (Double Data Rate) RAM, which provides up to double the throughput of standard video SDRAM. With a peak bandwidth of 4.8 gigabytes per second, DDR RAM allows the RADEON card to handle large texture maps, making 3D games appear extremely realistic. With over 30 million transistors and a 0.18-micron technology, the RADEON card is the most powerful graphics card for the Macintosh and is perfect for both high-end gamers and the most demanding creative professional."

You cannot buy the Radeon for the moment, but this text may mean that you'll be able just after the Apple Expo Paris!

